
My complaints

I was complained this afternoon for something I did not do. Worst of all, the act that I was alleged are so absurd that there's no way I will carried out during the job.

A pair of elderly indian couple actually complained me of digging my nose in the station and then serves them before washing my hands!!

This complaint is so absurd that I jumped at Jack who had received the complaint.

I've received 2 complaints so far and they are as follows:

1. I was being rude to the customer.
It was a very busy that night and the group of 5 or 7 of them requested me to take their orders for drinks. I checked their ticket and found that they're arranged to buy their own drinks at the bar and so I told them so. They told me they want to change to another table so that they can order their drinks and I told we do not work that way. And I walked off. Afterwards, I saw 2 ladies from the table talking to Pris.

2. Digging my nose in the station and not washing my hands.
This is the most absurd and funniest complaint I had so far. How would someone actually done that openly. Even I finds it disgusting and would leave the restaurant immediately. The nearest act I can recall is brushing my nose cause it was itchy, that's all.

Working in UK can be very demanding as customer can and will complain you for every lil' things you do. All they seeks is that lil' discounts off their meals thus will finds fault with anything they can. Yet, we're working our arse off for that lil' amount of coppers everyweek.

Andy MH OOi

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