
Just a thought today...

While I was on train to work today, I accidentally heard a sobbing mother's phone conversation about her child being caught for possessing cannabis. She was at a loss on what to do and are rushing to the school. She has no idea of what her child's addiction's to cannabis, so, such new really shock her.

Some years ago, when I was still in college, I do took that path behind my mother's back. It all begin's with mixing the wrong pack of friends, however, they are not to blame entirely as I wasn't forced to take it at gunpoint. I was curious and hoping to be 'in the pack'. Which all teenagers seeks - a sense of belonging and respect. My mum must have been depress when she learnt of what i'm doing outside.

Drugs is easily accessible in London, so, it's no surprise that youngsters here use them at young age. Moreover, the laws here are so lenient (cannabis is Class B drugs, which means it's only confiscated and fine, if found possessing tem) thus are not so much as a prevention nor deterrent to use drugs.

Furthermore, local artist like Amy Winehouse, Pete Doherty and others big names like Britney Spears are constantly being linked with using drugs on the newspapers almost everyday. They are not being punished by the law and such circumstances sends a wrong message to the public, especially the young ones. They assumes that using drugs is not only harmless yet it may be glamorous as well. Yet, a recent death of a Hollywood artist - Heath Ledger -are also linked with drugs abuse (suspected). However, this doesn't translated as the consequence of drug abuse, but a great loss to Hollywood.

Having worked in one of the high crime area in London, i've came across teenagers as young as 11 or 12 shares a ciggie with their parents or grandparents and older ones - about 15-17 years - peddling drugs and has access to firearms. And no the laws simply can't control them or stops them.

I'm no preacher neither a morally perfect person, but it's understood that drugs does nothing good to individuals, families or the society. However, people takIng the plunge to the abbey only increases day by day and year by year. And there's no practical solution from the governments to help them or to prevent anyone having these harmful substances but only talks of hipocrisy.

Therefore, it's only up to us, ourself to really keeps these harmful substances away from our loved ones.



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