
A new ME for a new PHASE!!!

lol... Dunno watz mood just hit me this morning and I've been messing up my blogs since I started work at 8.00am... ok.. a few minutes after 8.00am. The traffic a mess!!

Anyway, I did a new header this morning through photoshop and it took me about 2 hours. Draining all my troubles and it's something nice, early in the morning... :D

And Ronnie helped me to choose this one. A cleaner look without all those messy fringes on the side tribal decor. Thanx Ronnie. You've been a great help. ;)

The old one, is also a fruit of my labor and I too love it. But then, I need somethinig to perk up my blog, guys... I'm sure you guys agrees with me, eh.

The current:

it's still be in my collection and maybe, it's good to view it once a while.

Andy "Shackks" Ooi

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