
My Goatee

Few weeks ago, my precious goatee was once again a topic of conversation with a forummer and he suggested that we create a poll to see whether my goatee should go or not. With curiousity to know the view of others, I thought this would be a great idea to get opinions and thus agrees to it.

And there it was, the poll was created and on the first day, the poll shows that i can keep my goatee, much with my delight actually, but after that, i can foresee that my goatee got to go... Alas, on that fateful Thursday, the people has spoken, the goatee got to go. Fine, I'll just trim it and shave it of clean and clear.

"Wat the heck, rite... It's only a goatee..." I console myself, not knowing what will happen later...

The next morning in the bathroom fresh after a shower, I was abt to executed the trimming and shaving but then, my hands seems to be reluctant to do so. I watched my goatee fer the last time and still thinking whether to do or not to. A very hard decision especially when u are naked and cold standing in bathroom just after a shower early in the morning.

A glance at the watch shows me I shall be late if I'm still waiting fer the councils of my brain debate with the opposition party of my heart. So I go ahead and start the whole execution.

Starting with the trimming, and then finally shave it off... wah... After so long, the goatee which I used to stroke during any brainstorming was finally cleared.

I looked at the mirror and saw the reflection of my face. A question struck me: "Why the hell I shaved that??"

I began to regret what I've done a couple of seconds if not, minutes earlier. But then, the people say I look better with the goatee gone and so, I'll try to live a few days without and see whatz the outcome.

Everyday whenever I pass by the mirror and saw the reflection of myself, the same question still pops out "Why the hell I shaved that??"

Is it worth the effort and the changeover??

We shall see. After all, future is not for us to decide...



Anonymous said...

so did you shave any others place beside yr goatee :p

izso said...

I wonder who wrote that comment.. hahaha!

Shacks, u chinese or what? Chinese very rarely have hari on their face much less a goatee!

Anonymous said...

the anonymous is me lar :p
coz I dunt hv a blog at the moment so cannot put my name.


Shirley said...

i wanna see ur picture without goatee!!!

good entry!!!

cheers from ME!

Chen said...

since u shave your goatee already, just live with your "new image" loh, U will get used to your new image as time goes on....