Aniwae, letz get on with some good news rather than boring my readers (errr... have I got any??) with those whingeing... however, my mind is all about the lunch Jessie is preparing in the kitchen now. mai siao siao....
Aniwae, the good news is that I've managed to get a job so that there's some income to pays the rent and get some food (altho I got them free... hehehehe) on the table. It's just a counter job at a Chinese Take Away Restaurant situated in North West of Inner London.
The good thing about this job is that the boss is pretty much good people which are supposedly very rare in London, especially in food industries. Furthermore, I get to meet many types of people, bad, good, kind, humorous, chatty, rough, and the list goes on... the only bad side is that there's no rest day for this job. The only rest day is 25th December and that is still pending for a conformation... cannot complain lar. The boss edi say edi, this work no off day or Bank Holidays de (Bank Holidays equivalent to Public Holidays in Msia). Bo pian lor, jump into the river edi. Just swim lo... As long as got $$, then can edi.
As this job seem good and I see myself maybe dwelling in it for a few more months, me and Jessie decided to move somewhere nearer so that I can cut down travelling time and expenses as my previous place is only for short rent and it's time we pack and go.
Thatz where the bad news comes to light. Our new place has yet to get a phone line for a broadband!!! That means NO INTERNET!!! siao liao lor... No internet in this era means no access to nothing at all!!! even having a phone means nothing to us. It has been 2 months edi yet there's no progress on his application and whenever Jessie ask him, he's sure to use his ol' good set of explainations which we can do nothing to him. So, bo pian lor. Btw, dun ever ask me how did I get this uploaded... ehehehe
Aniwae, itz kinda late edi (yeap, I works on Sunday too) and Jessie is about to come back with lunch from the kitchen. Therefore, I gotta help clean up the table fer lunch before I starts my day earning ££....
Until next time, stay safe, stay well and most importantly, stay happy!!!
Cheers mate...
Andy "Shackks" Ooi